Did you know that your handbag can make a big difference in your appearance? Sometimes we buy a bag without giving a second thought as to whether it fits our body type. For instance, last summer I was enamored with a little suede Coach purse that was perfect for holding some cash, a lipstick and car keys. I didn't realize (until my husband so honestly asked where I got that ridiculous purse) that it was way t0o small for my tall, hippy frame. My body type made the purse look even smaller and made me look, well, sort of cartoonish - which was not the look I was going for. So I sold the purse on Ebay and began identifying the styles that work well for me. Here are some basic tips based on your general body type:
Tall and Thin - Too tiny purses are not a good choice. Opt for medium size bags and clutches that are chunkier and not too flat. Pick longer, rectangular clutches for evening.
Petite - Avoid large purses - they only make you appear smaller in comparison. A medium size tote that has shorter handles, held close to the body is a great choice - vertical stripes elongate and provide dimension.
Pear Shaped - Carry the bag near the bust and away from the widest hip line. Keep the focus on the upper body. Purses that hit near the hipline should be relatively flat so they won't add bulk.
Plus Size - No small purses. As with Tall and Thin, they will make you appear bigger. Choose a medium to large bag and a style that draws the eye to your slimmest body part. Carry it near your waist if your waist is smaller, carry near your bust if your bust is smaller - you get the idea.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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