Saturday, September 22, 2007

Outfit Chic - Trendy Girl

With so may clothing styles and colors available these days, it can be difficult to pull together outfits. With this in mind, we have started a new collection of outfits that will be featured in our blogs several times per month. We will also offer a discount on these items when purchased as a complete outfit.

TRENDY GIRL - Whether you are shopping, hanging out with friends or dancing at the local club, you are always on top of current trends. A geo print, bubble mini dress, richly colored modern handbag and short v-neck cover up perfectly reflect your lifestyle. Pair with a nude or metallic strappy shoe and hit the town. Available now for $79.


Anonymous said...

When will this be available and when will you have other outfits put together it makes it so much easier to buy!!! Btw love all of your stuff:)

Crimzen Creative said...

Hi and thanks for the great comment! We are working on this feature and got a bit sidetracked due the busy time of year. We hope to have it available this weekend and more outfits are on the way.