Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday's Muse...The Queen Diva

Inspiration has many forms. I often find it by reading, listening to music and playing with my children. But lately, my biggest inspiration has come from my favorite blogs and blogger friends. So, every Monday, I am going to take a moment to share the blogs and sites I enjoy visiting.

I will begin by thanking Elaine of HipNChic Designs who literally helped plant this seed. I have been trying to figure out how to incorporate some "link love" into my blog without sounding like an advertising board. I realized that all I need to do is focus on the blogs and people who make a difference in my life or the business.

Elaine has impacted my business greatly after meeting her only a month ago. She runs an organization for women entrepreneurs on the internet where we gather for business advice, promotion and general support. It is a wonderful community where I have met many women with similar goals. Elaine is a talented artist who owns HipNChic Designs, and she is a very sweet, compassionate woman with a great sense of humor (no wonder I like her). When I saw that she has five children (plus her 31-year old baby), I realized that she is truly phenomenal, if not a bit insane. I have two children and that's my limit while owning a business. If I had five, the only thing I would accomplish daily is feeding them, cleaning up after them and trying desperately to get some peace and quiet. So cheers to Elaine and thank you for being a great inspiration. Oh yeah, she finds time to blog too. I think she is a robot.

All right my friends, our new blog design is almost ready so we may be away or down and redirected (I am not sure about all of the moving technicalities), but we'll be back better looking and blogtastically functional shortly.


LDF said...

I'm determined now to get good jeans!
I got the dress today!!!!!!
It looks amazing-when I am not so tired and unphotographable, I will take pictures!
Thanks again!

Crimzen Creative said...

Iron Chic - Yay! I'm sure it looks great on you and thanks for letting me know. My next too tight cast offs are yours, promise!

Momisodes said...

What a great idea for Monday's post :) I can't wait to see the new look!

Anonymous said...

New diesign? I'm jealous ! Can't wait to see...

Crimzen Creative said...

Sandy and Sassy - Thanks! I saw a preview last night and I am really excited! Blogging is so much more fun than regular work :)

Unknown said...

So??? What's wrong with this site the way it is?? You got sumpthin' against 'warm and familiar'. I LIKE 'staid and stodgy'. Well, not really 'staid and stodgy' so much as 'old and tired and the same as yesterday'. I am reminded of Simon & Garfunkel, who, in 'At The Zoo' sang that certain animals 'don't like changes in their cages'. That's me. Old dog.

Crimzen Creative said...

Lou - LOL!! I know - I will miss this site a bit because it is all my design. I like the familiar but I also love change - it keeps me going and brings new ideas.

Anonymous said...

Same here...I can't wait to see your new site design. :D I have a feeling it's going to be beautiful.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the complement. Family life is crazy but having a large household does have its perks. Every one has a job and what needs done, gets done.Plus I reign queen supreme-I like that!!

You are redoing your blog?? Awesome! I love my three column blog. Maximize space and stretch out your legs!

Thank you so much for the love!

Crimzen Creative said...

Elaine - You're so welcome! I love the Diva community even though it's hard for me to find time to participate as much as I'd like. I still think you win the Mom Diva award :)