Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Solution To Spanx...Part 3

It's 15 below here in the Midwest and all I want to do is drink hot chocolate and eat chocolate covered donuts (not the good kind...the kind that have way too many preservatives and are rock hard therefore surviving for many months in my pantry). My body is in hibernation for the long cold winter and my bones ache from the dry cold. It's difficult rousting my body in motion to perform any type of activity, including climbing the stairs to go to bed. I have been staying up too late, eating too much and moving my body too little. So I leave you with the last post in which the Solution To Spanx will be completed. I know what I should be doing, I just don't feel like doing it, okay? So here we go...

In our first post, we gave advice on how to better your diet to sustain your weight and live healthy. The second post covered exercise and keeping your body fit and now we are going to talk about the last three items in our Top 10 .

8. Get Enough Sleep and Reduce Stress

Lack of sleep and extra stress can make some people eat more. When you are tired your brain chemistry is off or something...okay, so I am too tired and hungry to research this one, so why don't you just head over to Web MD or Google it to get the facts. And stress...don't get me started. How does anyone function under severe stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

9. Wear Clothing Appropriate For Your Body Type

Many women could look 10 pounds lighter simply by wearing figure flattering styles. So for those of you who want to skip the dieting and exercise, learn how to use clothing to your advantage (and yes, this even works with swimsuits). Stay tuned for our Figure Flattery weekly feature for tips on how to look good in your clothing. Go ahead, keep eating those donuts.

10. Schedule time to exercise and plan your meals

The biggest obstacle to leading a healthy lifestyle is lack of planning. Find the best time of day to exercise. Don't force your body out of bed at 5am for a run if you are not a morning person. Plan your meals and shop with a list to reduce the "bad" foods in your pantry - you'll at least have an alternative to eating those donuts or making that last minute dinner trip through the drive through.

Whew! It feels good to have that three part post out of the way. Here's to healthy living for the rest of the year! Good luck to all of us sloths who must endure the cold, darkness of the North. And to those of you who live in the warmer parts of the world...feel the warmth of my jealousy radiating from the Midwest.


Budi said...

Nice tips I like it and very useful

Budi said...

Nice tips I like it and very useful

Crimzen Creative said...

breave designer - well thank you and I appreciate your comments!

LDF said...

When my sister-in-law is pregnant, she craves those little store-bought powdered donuts. She eats a box per day even though she normally hates sweet stuff. I love Boston Cream myself.
I'll shut up now...

Crimzen Creative said...

iron chic - mmmm, Boston Creme - i forgot about those and yes, those pregnant cravings really get ya!